Duelist gear guns of glory
Duelist gear guns of glory

A models movement points (MP) are determined by its current speed and movement mode. Movement s Gears move using movement points. s Once all models have been activated, the round is complete and moves into the miscellaneous phase where status effects, if any, are resolved. Players alternate activating one model at a time until all models have been activated.

duelist gear guns of glory

Has been completed, the second player takes his turn to activate a model. s Players activate one model at a time by moving and completing its actions. The player with the highest roll goes first. The players roll off to determine who starts the game. Rounds s A game will last either the number of rounds specified by the match type or by the players themselves. All models respective speed and movement modes are determined during deployment. Players take turns deploying their teams, alternating one model at a time. Unless otherwise stated, all measurements are in inches.

duelist gear guns of glory

Game Setup Arena is recommended to be played on a 3’x3’ surface with a lot of terrain. Inversely, if a roll FAILS to beat a threshold or opposed roll, the difference is referred to as a Margin of Failure (MOF). S If a roll beats a threshold or an opposed roll the difference is referred to as a Margin of Success (MOS). If the dice roll number is reduced below zero, count the final result as 0. Add the modifier to the result of the roll, using the sum as the final result. Modifiers to the result of a roll are listed as +x (for a bonus) or -x (for a penalty). If either dice shows a 1, count the result as a Fumble. When rolling 0D6 (if the Skill is 0, or modifiers reduce the Skill to 0), roll 2D6 and take the lowest face value. If every dice shows a “1”, the dice roll is a Fumble, and always counts as a final result of 0. For instance, rolling 2D6 and getting face values of 6 and 6 would count as a result of 7.

duelist gear guns of glory

If more than one “6”is rolled, each extra “6” adds 1 to the result.

duelist gear guns of glory

When two or more dice are rolled together, the result of the roll is the highest face value of any single dice. The number of dice to be used in a roll is either specified or based on the models skill rating. Dice & Rolling s Heavy Gear Arena uses normal 6-sided dice. A world where multi-ton humanoid robotic vehicles fight in steel and concrete arena’s for the entertainment of the crowd. Welcome to Heavy Gear Arena, the fast-paced competitive world of Gear Dueling.

Duelist gear guns of glory